Healthy & Delicious
Soup & Salad
I love soup and salad, always have, and always will.
Here on “soup and salad” you can enjoy some of my delicious soup and salad recipes, plus useful information, hints & tips.
Healthy & Tasty Soups & Salads

My name is John, I am in my late 50s and live in Berkshire, UK.
This is my food journey.
You can follow my food journey here, and I hope that it helps and inspires you too. The journey is well worth it!
Healthy soups and salads, as part of a healthy “diet”, are a fantastic way to explore fun, tasty and healthy food.
Why a Soup and Salad?
I started focusing on what I eat and quickly found many advantages. It wasn’t as if I was eating particularly unhealthily before.
I eat plenty, enjoy what I eat, don’t follow a “diet” someone else has dictated to me, don’t calorie count. I find that simple, easy and enjoyable.
My goal is to get from 18 stone 9lbs (261 lbs) to 14 stone 8 lbs (204) and then maintain around that weight. That’s a weight loss of 4 stone (56 lbs) or just over 21% of my original body weight.
I started in June 2022, after my wife took me along to a slimming club she belongs to. Although I now go along most weeks I personally find it easier to just stick to a few core principles. Personally, I find frequently weighing food, tracking calories and recording or tracking everything becomes a bind. It makes it boring or hard to stick to, and then I will end up giving up.
Instead, I have focused on eating fruit & vegetables, cutting processed sugar out of the foods I eat, and reducing the fat content of what I eat. I still eat meat but have reduced my red meat intake and tend to eat grilled chicken along the way, occasionally.
I find the weekly “weigh in” an easy way to monitor my progress, keep me on track, and I find the social side of listening to other people’s food stories inspiring and helpful. Going it completely alone would have been tougher, I think.
At the time of this update in October 2022 I now around 16 stone 5 lbs (229 lbs) and have lost just over 2 stone (31 lbs) so just over half way to my personal target. That has taken me around 3 months.
Love soup, or willing to explore a “soup journey”? Come along with me and create your own delicious, fun and tasty soups and salads.
Healthy Eating - Host of Advantages
WEIGHT LOSS: I lost weight which was one of my goals. In fact, I lost a stone in the first month which increased to over two stone in ten weeks, while eating plenty and really enjoying my food. I feature my weight loss journey here in my “food journey” blog.
HEALTH: I had an annoying cough for over ten years which, despite numerous tests, doctors did not manage to diagnose or fix. I have not coughed since I started my “food journey”. More on that too.
FITNESS: I have lots more energy and feel fitter and better. Again, more on that.
WORK LIFE BALANCE: I started to love cooking and that created a better work life balance for me too.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Being more “Eco Aware” and “Eco Friendly” is another change I have made in my life. The extra energy I have, due to healthy eating combined with the weight loss that gave me, has actually driven me to re-evaluate how I live my life, generally in lots of ways.
For example, with all the serious climate change we are experiencing around the world I now consider at lot more carefully, what I buy, where I buy it, how I dispose of it, and how I can reduce any waste, food, plastic, power used in what and how I cook. “An Eco Food Warrior”, if you like.
FUN: My food journey has been fun and interesting. I am learning so much about food and I am finding that fascinating.
SHARE THE LOVE: It has seriously helped me, so I wanted to share some of that with you too, in the hope that I might help or inspire you to find your own healthy food journey….
Healthy Ingredients
Take a Food Journey
Recipes, suggestions, information and ideas to stimulate your healthy food journey.
Healthy eating has great health benefits. However, with climate change, and other environmental concerns, why not also bring into your food journey, ways to reduce the impact of what and how you eat on the environment?
My “Food Journey” Blog
My Food Journey!
Welcome to my Soup and Salad website and blog. I hope that as the website and blog expands, it will help you find some useful healthy recipes, hints, tips and ideas about starting, or expanding, your own "food journey", as I am calling it. I started this as I recently...